1.63.169 - Invigorated Ivy


Feature Updates

  • 🚀 Welcome survey and revamped product tour

    We’ve added a welcome survey to learn a little bit about our customers and their goals, as well as a new introductory product tour to highlight some key features.

  • 🚀 Show auto-save confirmations

    For folks who get anxious about whether or not their changes have been saved, we’ve added a new setting that enables display of an unubtrusive confirmation message next to form fields or sections when a change has been saved.

  • More verbose plan descriptions

    The original due date is now displayed for overdue tasks in task lists, and tasks that are due today are flagged so that they stand out from other tasks planned for today.

Bug Fixes

  • 🐞 Fixed an issue with the group headers of a list jumping around when a list item is removed while scrolled all the way to the bottom.
  • 🐞 Fixed problem with parsing “<date> at <time> p.m.” where the meridien is specified with a trailing period.
  • 🐞 Ensure that a task moves from the “Later” section to the “Planned Now” section as soon as its planned time is reached, without having to refresh the page.